Technical Support for NotesDB

Technical support for using NotesDB is available by email.

We offer you the following:

  • Technical questions
  • Database upload
  • Bugfixes and updates
  • Feature requests
  • Phone support

Technical questions

Our support is available for all technical questions you have preparing the migration. We offer you assistance in estimating the time required for the conversion process as well as questions regarding problems during the export.

Database upload

You can upload erroneous databases using our FTP-support server. We'll analyze the database and give you a detailed explanation of errors that have occured.

Bugfixes and updates

Supported customers are entitled to receive bugfixes and updates of NotesDB automatically by email.

Feature requests

Supported customers are entitled to request features/change-requests for NotesDB.

Phone support

Phone support is available on demand and will be charged separately.
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